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SpreadSimple Integration for Nudgify

How to install Nudgify on SpreadSimple

Spread Simple is a service that allows users to create and publish websites using data from Google Sheets. It simplifies the process of turning a Google Sheet into a website by automatically generating web pages based on the data in the sheet. SpreadSimple offers various templates and customization options to create visually appealing and functional websites.

Installing Nudgify on Spread Simple is easy and only takes a few minutes.

With Nudgify, you can add Social Proof, FOMO Nudges, and more to your Spread Simple to boost your conversion rate.

Step 1: Copy your Nudgify Pixel code

Just sign up for Nudgify and select Spread Simple as your integration.

Now a window will open where you can see a step-by-step guide on installing your Nudgify Pixel. This Pixel is nothing more than a small line of code that you need to copy and paste into the code of your website.

Copy your Nudgify Pixel code:

Step 2: Add your Pixel code to Spread Simple

  1. Login with SpreadSimple and edit your website.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Copy and Paste your Nudgify Pixel code in the “Add Code to Head” section.
  4. Click on Save.

Need more help with Spread Simple? Follow the instructions from their documentation on how to add  JavaScript to your landing page: Add custom scripts to SpreadSimple

Step 3: Check if the Pixel is installed

  • Go back to Nudgify and click “Scan for Pixel” to see whether you have installed the Pixel correctly.
  • Do you see the green “Pixel installed” message? Congratulations, you have installed the Nudgify Pixel on your website and you will be able to see the Nudges you create on the targeted pages!
  • Do you not see the green “Pixel installed” message? This means that you haven’t yet installed your Pixel. Double check that you completed all the steps to install your Pixel and try again.
  • Is your Pixel still not found? Click the blue chat bubble in the app where we can assist you 1-on-1 on setting up your Pixel.

You can now start adding Social Proof and FOMO Nudges to your Spread Simple page 🙌

Updated on July 13, 2023

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