Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment with Social Proof
The average site throws away 69.57% of sales every day due to shopping cart abandonment.
Most of the sales you lose due to shopping cart abandonment can be recovered by building trust and removing nasty surprises.
Unlike card recovery emails, Nudgify rescues lost sales before they’re abandoned.
Why shopping cart abandonment matters
60% Cart Abandonment Rate
- $100 average basket
- 5000 customer reach basket page
- 2000 sales
$200,000 revenue
30% Cart Adandonment Rate
- $100 average basket
- 5000 customers reach basket page
- 3500 sales
$350,000 revenue
How Nudgify recovers shopping cart
before they get abandoned
A 2020 Baymard survey asked people if they had abandoned a shopping cart recently – and why.
Nudgify recovers more of your abandoned baskets by tackling the causes at source…
53% Hidden Costs
Over half of those surveyed said they had been put off making a purchase by last-minute extra costs (e.g delivery)
Use Friction Nudges
Nudges provide details about your free delivery options whilst a user browses. They can add items to their shopping cart to qualify for free delivery.
17% Security Concerns
Customer anxiety is a leading cause of shopping cart abandonment. Worries about data security and identity theft can reduce your sales.
23% UX Frustration
Over 1 in 5 of those who has abandoned a basket did so because they found it too confusing.
Use Custom Nudges
Nudges provide helpful instructions for a complex form or a multi-stage checkout, so users don’t get frustrated.
Increase your conversion
rate by up to 35%
The average site can increase its conversion rate by 35.26% with a better checkout and less cart abandonment. Nudgify increases your conversion rate by tackling the causes of abandonment.
Nudgify reduces friction, builds confidence in your website through trust signs and social proof, and provides instructions where they are needed.
Don’t wait to send a
recovery email
Abandoned Shopping Cart emails are a popular way to recover lost orders, but they only reach people who enter the checkout and only recover 15-19% of your sales
Nudgify is an easier and quicker alternative. Because Nudges appear on your website itself, they prevent shopping cart abandonment before it happens.
Get more customers
to make an account
31% of the people surveyed by Baymard had abandoned a shopping cart rather than making an account. That means you should make it much easier to create an account.
Nudgify reminds your customers why they should create an account, builds confidence in your website through trust signs and social proof, and provides instructions where they are needed.
All plans include
Our software is built around consumer psychology toconvert more of your visitors into buyers